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Business Email Accounts - It’s Nothing Personal.

On this episode of Suits…

…oh wait, wrong tab!

The news about data breaches is a common occurrence in today’s connected world. The top cause of data breaches (with ransomware leading the way) is phishing emails being responded to. How do many of these phishing emails come in a corporate mailbox? There is no exact answer to this question, but an employee’s responsibility is to use their business email address for business purposes only, limiting exposure.

Top 5 Reasons NOT to use your work email for personal use:

  1. If you leave or are terminated from your place of employment, it can be extremely difficult or unable to recover your account.

  2. If you are employed with the State or Federal Government, your emails are subject to what is called the “Freedom of Information Act Requests.”

  3. Your Superior’s have full access to view any and all of your company emails.

  4. Your email address is the key access to your private life just like your home address.

  5. Corporate business email accounts are easy targets for spam and viruses.

Computer & Communications Innovations in Middle Tennessee employees do not give out their company email address unless it is business related. Hackers can spoof many email addresses from companies that have gone public as well as government agencies - with their official emails listed on their respective websites. Employees at a Nashville, TN bank giving out their email addresses to win a camping trip in Tennessee, but actually given to a possible rogue website - invites spoofing, spamming and phishing to the bank’s network; as well as exposing the email addresses to the internet!

The business email address is not any one employee’s property, but in fact belongs to the company; just treat it as a company car! Looking to find a great IT consulting company in Middle Tennessee, located near Nashville, and you need an email address to get information? The best practice is to create a free email address on the cloud and use it for this purpose.

Similarly, the company generally frowns upon me forwarding my business mail to the house…

Please contact Computer & Communications Innovations in the Greater Nashville Tennessee area to pro-actively secure your network before a major breach takes place!

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