Ransom… where?

CCI, Network Malware Protection

In this post:

  • What is ransomware and how does it affect the private, business and government sectors?

  • Types of Malware & how ransomware infects machines & networks

  • Costs and some numbers

  • Stop ransomware!!!

CCI, Network Malware Protection

Ransomware - we hear about it all the time… but should we worry about it? It can only really affect large corporate and/or government (data) networks… right? The answer is that nothing is further from the truth: ransomware affects EVERYONE!!!

So, what is exactly is ransomware? and what is all the fuss about?

There are several types of ransomware, but the most devastating type is encrypting ransomware - which infects a given device with code and then literally hijacks targeted data. This type of ransomware encrypts the data, demanding a decrypting key to unlock the data. Oftentimes, this key needs to be paid for online using cryptocurrency, and then you’re left hoping that the key will (in fact) unlock the data to make it accessible.

How do I get ransomware and how does it infect? Great question - in these ways, ransomware behaves like a virus (e.g., from one mobile device - connected to the company network - receiving a spam e-mail offering a free night out in Nashville infecting the entire corporate network). Refer to a previous CCI tech blog (Stop the SPAM!), be proactive in cyber security in Middle Tennessee, and stop spam from infecting your network with ransomware. Let a Computer & Communications Innovations expert consultant here in the Greater Nashville area speak to you about e-mail and spam filtering solutions.

CCI, Network Malware Protection

Per Malwarebytes, there are three types of ransomware:

  • Scareware (threat level: low) – a false warning (pop up) on your device about a potential security threat on your device to ask for payment to resolve the threat. FACT: cyber security companies will NEVER prompt about any issues on any given device unless the product is installed.

  • Screen Lockers (threat level: medium low) – turn on your device and the device displays a warning screen from the FBI or the Department of Justice that this device was involved with some illegal stuff and there is a fine that needs to be paid to unlock your device. FACT: these agencies will never notify an individual like this and go through legal channels.

  • Encrypting Ransomware (threat level: very high to total loss) – throughout history mankind always warned or proclaimed about The Big One. In the IT industry The Big One has arrived in the form of encrypting ransomware which was singled out earlier. A hypothetical scenario can have all major data bases in the world hijacked by ransomware leading to a total planet wide Armageddon! As previously mentioned, the ransomware hijacks the data on a given device and can spread further and then demands a ransom for a key.

We hope that nobody has the unfortunate luck to see an encrypted ransomware screen:

Ransomware can be prevented - whether your company is a sole proprietorship or a major corporation.…How?

Backups! Backups!! Backups!!!

Always have a reliable and up-to-date backup of all settings, configurations, and data.

Good data backups, cyber security solutions, e-mail filtering, proper internal training, and setting strict (but enforceable) security rules & protocols are “must-have” policies.


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