Dang It, Blocked Again!

CCI, Business Internet Filtering
CCI, Business Internet Filtering

Navigating Workplace Challenges

with Nashville Managed IT Services

The need for control over what we access on the internet is not limited to parents safeguarding their children's web activities. In fact, it's an issue that extends to the workplace as well. While parental controls are aimed at protecting youngsters from age-inappropriate content, businesses have their unique set of reasons for implementing website blocking. At Computer & Communications Innovations, we shed light on a few of these crucial reasons:

Reason #1: Non-Productive Web Surfing

Have you ever strolled by an employee's workstation only to witness a swift closure of their laptop or a sudden screen blackout? Chances are, the employee was not engaged in work-related activities, which is precisely what they are being paid for. While scrolling through Facebook posts can be enticing, it shouldn't be at the expense of the company's time and resources.

Reason #2: Mitigating Sexual Harassment Risks

In the era of heightened workplace awareness, many companies now mandate sexual harassment courses for their employees. These courses cover a wide spectrum of inappropriate behaviors, including offensive content displayed on screens. An offensive video or joke on a co-worker's computer screen can lead to discomfort and potential liability.

Reason #3: Preventing Involvement in Illegal Activities

Simply put, if an employee accesses a website related to illegal activities, your company may find itself in legal trouble, as such actions are often traced back to the company's IP address. This is a situation you'll want to avoid at all costs.

Reason #4: Guarding Against Malware and Viruses

Without adequate blocking measures in place, your company's computers are at risk of malware, trojans, viruses, and other cyber threats. An infected system can lead to data loss and significant downtime, resulting in a productivity and financial setback.

Computer & Communications Innovations urges you to consider why your company should expose itself to these potential issues when effective blocking solutions are readily available. The challenge, however, lies in implementing a comprehensive blocking system for a large company network that encompasses numerous computers. This is where Nashville managed IT services come to the rescue.

With the assistance of Nashville managed IT services like CCI, your business can establish a robust web blocking strategy that safeguards your network, keeps productivity on track, and minimizes the risk of legal complications. Say goodbye to non-productive web surfing and potential workplace hazards, and say hello to enhanced security and productivity.

Don't leave your company's digital safety to chance. Reach out to CCI today and explore how Nashville managed IT services can help you navigate these challenges effectively. Your digital workspace will thank you. 📞

CCI, Business Internet Filtering

Enter Computer & Communications Innovations, Middle Tennessee’s “Go To” company. With over twenty years in the computer field, their experts can set up a control system on your business’ computer network that will block Facebook, Twitter, inappropriate or illegal sites, and of course, all those nasty viruses that can infect your entire system. So whether you have downtime due to malware or downtime due to an employee not working during company time, Nashville’s Computer & Communications Innovations has your problem covered. Call us today for a consultation to see what we can do for your network at 615-986-8082 or visit our website to read about all the services we provide at www.cciustn.com


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