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A Tale of Two PBXs

For most businesses, a PBX (Private Branch Exchange) is almost a requirement - it is this technology solution which allows you and your business to have multiple phone lines, both internally (using extensions) and externally. Traditionally, this has required businesses to host hardware on-premises, often times necessitating large fees to rent, maintain, and service this equipment by the PBX provider (who may not even be providing the external phone service itself - a separate fee). This solution works, but the technology offered rarely progresses beyond what was available since the 90s, unless you’re willing (and able) to host and maintain your own solution.

Lately though, with the increase in networking bandwidth and interest in “the cloud”, there have come along what are termed “Hosted PBX” solutions, which take out the need to host your own equipment, driving their costs down - and passing on the savings to you, the customer. These solutions also make use of VoIP (Voice Over IP) to carry the calls, which further reduces costs. Because they are able to offer these solutions at scale, they are also able to offer these solutions using intuitive, easy to use (and manage) user interfaces which can be accessed using any common web browser, while offering an evolution of the typical telecommunications solution.

Hosted PBX - A Phone for All Seasons

What sort of evolution are we talking about? Some of the main features that can be provided by such a solution are:

CCI, Benefits of Hosted PBX
  • Intuitive, easy to use Call Management

  • Easily changed hold music

  • Virtual attendants

  • Automated, detailed Reporting

  • Hosted Fax

    • i.e. Software-based fax, so you can finally get rid of that old fax machine.

    • Software phones

      • i.e. You can dial and receive calls directly from your computer or mobile device - while also allowing for traditional phone equipment to be used.

The future’s calling… will you answer?

Let Us Help You.

Does this sound like something that you’d be interested in? Are you sick of paying out the nose for a phone service offering that hasn’t fundamentally changed since the 90s? Give Computer & Communications Innovations a call at 615-928-2438 or email us to see what the future looks like for your business.


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