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If you’ve had the luxury to travel state to state, you have seen a tollbooth before. Tollbooths can be very inconvenient for drivers. You have to constantly stop and search for bills or loose change, only to repeat the process a few miles down the road. It is a necessary checkpoint that drivers must pass through. Data and travel drivers have something in common when you think about it. They both pass through a designated area to reach their destination. However, data does not pass through a tollbooth, it goes through a server.

Why are Servers important?

A server is a machine that can take on the role of being hardware or software. A server is a tollbooth in a sense. It can accept or respond to information sent over a network. In context, the server is the tollbooth, while the network is the highway, and the information is the cars.

The Purpose

Different types of servers can perform various tasks. Some to mention are file, web, print, mail, or database servers. A consumer computer can be configured as a server. However, a server's constructed to work around the clock. It can also house multiple hard drives and power supplies to create redundancy. Redundancy allows them to be more reliable and capable than a standard consumer computer.


A company may purchase a server because its peer-to-peer network is insufficient. A peer-to-peer connection is limited to the number of devices it can maintain. Once that limit is succeeded, the network may experience numerous failures. Data has the potential to be lost, while cybersecurity issues become a concern as well. A server can run backup storage and virus protection at one general location. Otherwise, virus protection and storage space would need to be managed per individual device.

If You’re In Need

If your company is experiencing data loss or network connectivity issues, you could have an issue on your hands that needs to be addressed. Please do not hesitate to contact us if your network is failing. We can have one of our Technical Support Specialists assist you as soon as possible. A server will be the best suitable option to restore your network.

Computer & Communications Innovations in the Greater Nashville TN area can provide your company with server assistance or installation.

Please feel free to contact us now for more details