CCI | Computer Support

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A Clean Computer is a Happy User

In This Article

  • Computer Maintenance

  • Monthly Maintenance by CCI

Computer Maintenance - A Chore Like All Others

We are so used to our parents asking us if our rooms are cleaned, and - despite this process being often arduous, tedious, and draining - it often leaves us with a good feeling: we feel that anything can be accomplished. In the same way, our computers will need cleaning! While we often think of computers making our lives easier, some things (such as maintaining our computers) never change.

Monthly Maintenance by CCI - Let Us Help You!

“I am the eyes and ears of this institution!”

Enter Computer and Communications Innovations! Let us help you with this task by completing your monthly maintenance for you. We will clean your computer files daily remotely to not interrupt your busy schedule to keep downtime to a minimum. Our software will also clean your windows registry applying fixes and repairs as needed. We will be able to monitor for new windows updates and run those remotely when they are available. This will all be on an affordable basis through an annual agreement. We will send a monthly report that outlines the files cleaned and space saved for your computers. With our experience and expertise, we can not only keep your computer clean and healthy, but also proactively advise you on any trouble spots before they become disaster.

To be fair, if you are in this deep you have got bigger problems than your computer…

Please give us a call today. We can schedule a consultation meeting and answer any of your questions or details about cleaning your computer.

Let us help you keep your computer clean - because a clean computer is a happy user!