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This Is Not A Seasonal Trip…

Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic has some of the best episodes showcasing our favorite animals. The channels usually like to show a segment on animal migration. Migration is a seasonal event that herds or flocks take part in. Animals typically migrate during the winter months. They look for suitable climates that can provide them with food and shelter.

Humans migrated hundreds of years ago as well, but now we can do it differently, especially with our business. Technology has allowed us to advance, especially, in the business world. Data transferring is a form of modern-day migration. The official process is called data migration. There are many businesses that take advantage of this process and you should too.

What exactly is data migration?

Data migration is the process of moving information from an older application or location to a new one. New applications and storage locations, like a cloud service, can help a company manage its data more efficiently. Office 365 is a prime example of what consumers look for when considering migration. Software like Office 365 provides productivity applications. Software similar to Office 365 also allows companies and consumers to move files to desired locations, where the information can be utilized more efficiently.

How To Perform a Data Migration.

Extract- The first step of data migration is extraction. A user must move all the data from the current application or storage location.

Transform- The transformation of the data is the next process, and it’s necessary, so you can compare the extracted data from the original’s location.

Check for Corruption - Once the data is transformed, you have to check for corruption. It is also important to delete any old information you don’t need.

Confirmation- Now that the data has been cleaned, you may find yourself running a final test. Confirmation is usually the last step before you load the data into the desired location.

Load the data- Lastly, you will load the data to its new location. However, there is a slim chance an error could be present, so it’s ideal to look over the migrated data.