FBI found bot-collected personal info trading
In today’s age of technology, bots are doing more and more for both users and cyber-criminals. The FBI recently seized Genesis Market’s domain and marketplace. This seizure led to the arrest of more than 120 people believed to be cyber-criminals. To access this marketplace you needed to be invited. Once invited, you could browse through an assortment of stolen personal user data. The people that purchased those bots used it to load the victims profile confidential cookies to view their data, as reported by Brian Krebs a security blogger.
“You can buy a bot with a real fingerprint, access to e-mail, social networks, bank accounts, payment systems! You also get all previous digital life (history) of the bot – most services won’t even ask for login and password and identify you as their returning customer. Purchasing a bot kit with the fingerprint, cookies and accesses, you become the unique user of all his or her services and other web-sites”
“According to our research, Genesis Market had more than 430,000 stolen identities for sale as of early last year – and there are many other marketplaces like this one”
The seizure included the seals of law enforcement entities from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The Dutch Police have released an online tool for people to see if their email address was in the data retrieved list, as reported by Eduard Kovacs. If you have any concerns about your business network security, you can contact Computer & Communication innovations for any questions or to schedule consulting.