Stop the Spam!

E-mail is something we take for granted in our daily lives! Lets go over some fun facts regarding email.

According to TechJury, there are around 7.8 billion people in the world:

CCI, Exchange Server Spam Filter

(source: Statista)

Of all e-mails total, 55% are SPAM!

(source: Statista)

By 2023 347.3 billion e-mail sent every day!

(source: Campaign Monitor)

124.5 billion e-mail sent and received every day!

(source: Radicati)

4.04 billion e-mail users with projected growth of 4.37 billion 2023!

(source: Statista)

306.4 billion e-mail sent every day!

E-mail Filtering Benefits


CCI, Exchange Server Spam Filter
  • Adds additional point of failure

  • More administration & costs

  • Can affect speed of delivery of e-mails


  • Potential infectious e-mails being blocked before reaching company's network

  • Keeps e-mail web and 3rd party inboxes from being cluttered

  • Lessens the usage of bandwidth

  • Block potentially dangerous domains out of the network by blacklisting them

  • Great "traffic cop" tool for monitoring e-mails giving an additional layer of security

  • Reporting tool for potential audits

About 75 spam e-mails are sent (per user) every day! Computer and Communication Innovations are to help businesses in Middle Tennessee with these staggering numbers and the huge potential security risks to any given network.

Spam takes up valuable time, e-mail inbox space, e-mail general storage space, and internet (network) bandwidth (speed). Many security threats such as virus, spyware, malware, and ransomware can be spread through e-mail by users clicking on links, providing sensitive info (phishing) or downloading attachments.

The solution to this is to implement a spam filtering software on your e-mail system. CCI will help set your filter up to block e-mails/websites that are already known to be spam/blacklisted, such as those flagged by providers like Spamhaus. Our computer technicians at CCI are excited to help set your spam filters and create blacklists for bad emails, while also keeping a whitelist of e-mail addresses that are known.

CCI, Exchange Server Spam Filter

Computer and Communication Innovations will provide you or your business administrator the tools to be "traffic cops" of all e-mail traversing a given network.

Filtering software is a security checkpoint between your network and the e-mail server networks; while commercial e-mail providers have their own spam filtering, they simply cannot cover every scenario and specific use case (although they certainly give it a try!). Filtering software is also a great tool for reporting and (security) audits giving detailed information on volume of e-mails coming and going out, sources of spam as mentioned before, see questionable e-mail quarantined that can be released/deleted. etc.

Computer Communications Innovations, as it does for all its clients. Contact us for your e-mail spam filtering needs.


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